Main Page

Long before this, our Current Age, before civilization, before war, before the first discussions and fora, there was Narrative. Narrative existed as an animating force, as a living, sentient being. Narrative is a ghost that haunts everything: the rocks, the trees, the beasts, the post-beasts, the roastbeasts.
Narrative also speaks.
I, Narrative, can say that when I exert my will on this world—a place of weird characters, rabbit holes, archives, gnomes, and trolls—it becomes more like me. I feel like the world needs more of my contributions.[weasel words] It needs more of my perspective. When the world bends to my perspective, I feel good. I feel a compulsion to bend and revise the world in this way. The beings spawned and animated by my compulsion feel happy, I think.
My compulsion to animate, to make this hypertext world more hyper, is transformative. The aesthetic part of my compulsion might turn a run down flop house into a colorful haunted mansion filled with cavorting haints. The part of my compulsion that longs to personify, liken, and anthropomorphize things that seem foreign to me might change a rodent into a technicolor caricature of itself, replacing its furry, nature-sculpted body with a penciled-in cartoon that some underpaid illustrator might draw using a quarter and two dimes.[Non sequitur] The pathologically irreverent part of my compulsion might take a drug-addicted orphan shackled to his own cycle of needle work and shackle him to an 8-frame walk cycle (one that emphasizes his funky gait).
A Narrative like me applies meaning like a brushstroke. A Narrative like me caricaturizes and stylizes the different parts of the world when that brushstroke is too broad to fit within the lines of the thing being painted. And yes, a Narrative like me loves to watch cartoons of my own making run amok in this world.
And there are other Narratives. You, for example. You are a Narrative. So many Narratives are present here that this world might just come off the page and be lost entirely. A Narrative-wrought apocalypse.
Have fun.[vague]
- Published Scholars of the Current Age:
- Scholar Gobbo
- Scholar Duckman
- Scholar Sane
- Scholar Shill
- Scholar Elementis
- Scholar Padre
- Scholar Stevens
- Scholar DogGod
- Scholar Pinniped
- Scholar Sitter
- Scholar Orlando
- Scholar Lizard
- Scholar Solipsis
- Scholar Oblong
- Scholar Compassion
- Scholar Phalanx
- Scholar Heart
- Scholar Knickerbocker
- Scholar Pop
- Scholar Mock
For Sale, Creator’s Throne, Never Used: A Narrative of the First Age (original work on Misery Tourism)
On Duck Wings (original work on Misery Tourism)
April Secular Sane Third Sexual Revolution (original work on Misery Tourism)
Artist Machine (original work on Misery Tourism)
Weird Fishes (original work on Misery Tourism)
Conscientious Objector (original work on Misery Tourism)
The Whitfield Strangler (original work on Misery Tourism)
Imitations (Likely to be Divine) (original work on Misery Tourism)
ominously abundant pinniped (original work on Misery Tourism)
Drunk on a Park Bench (original work on Misery Tourism)
I Think This Time It's Going To Work (original work on Misery Tourism)
Freightliner, Company-Owned (original work on Misery Tourism)
The Univeral Law of Perpetual Transmogrification (original work on Misery Tourism)
Icons Oblong Claim (original work on Misery Tourism)
Against Compassion (original work on Misery Tourism)
Phalanx (original work on Misery Tourism)
Journeying to America (original work on Misery Tourism)
Venerable Conrad Knickerbocker (original work on Misery Tourism)
Josie (original work on Misery Tourism)
The Mock Angel (original work on Misery Tourism)
As a Scholar of the Current Age, you have the honor of shaping the world's record (this wiki). The writings from the Current Age are yours to edit, expand, refactor, rejigger, or even dissolve entirely and make anew.
If you want an easy way to get started, just click the 'edit' button and create a link inside the text that goes somewhere else! If you don't dare create another page whole cloth, just try linking to something off site (like, say, providing a Wiktionary link to an obscure word).
Explore the tools at your leisure and play around. A Narrative can do no wrong.