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"At Hera's orders the Titans seized Zeus's newly-born son Dinoysus, a horned child crowned with serpents and, despite his transformations, tore him into shreds. These they boiled in a cauldron, while a pomegranate-tree sprouted from the soil where his blood had fallen..."

"...on Zeus's instructions, Hermes temporarily transformed Dionysus into a kid or ram, and presented him to the nymphs Macris, Nysa, Erato, Brome, and Bacche, of Heliconian Mount Nysa... It was on Mount Nysa that Dionysus invented wine, for which he is chiefly celebrated."

"When he grew to manhood Hera recognised him as Zeus's son, despite the effeminacy to which his education had reduced him, and drove him mad also."

Quotes from The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, 1955