
From Worldstar
Revision as of 08:13, 25 August 2024 by ScholarGobbo (talk | contribs) (Created Python)
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"Amorous Zeus lay with numerous nymphs descended from the Titans or the gods... Next he begat Apollo and Artemis on Leto, daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe, transforming himself and her into quails when they coupled; but jealous Hera sent the serpent Python to pursue Leto all over the world..."

"Python's pursuit of Apollo recalls the use of snakes in Greek and Roman houses to keep down mice."

"On leaving Delos [Apollo] made straight for Mount Parnassus, where the serpent Python, his mother's enemy, was lurking; and wounded him severely with arrows. Python fled to the Oracle of Mother Earth at Delphi, a city so named in honour of the monster Delphyne, his mate; but Apollo dared follow him into the shrine, and there despatched him beside the sacred chasm."

Robert Graves, The Greek Myths 1955

Graves notes that Delphyne is also associated with Typhon, the largest monster in creation. Confusing the two would be unwise, yet perhaps typical of Goblin project management.